Trobada d'estudiants catalans d'enginyeria a Milà
Et convidem a assistir a la primera trobada d'estudiants d'enginyeria catalans a Milà. El propòsit d'aquesta trobada és parlar de la xarxa Catalan Engineers Worldwide ( a Milà impulsada pel Col.legi d'Enginyers de Catalunya i posar en contacte aquells que estiguin interessats a formar-ne part. ON? CIU's QUAN?Dimecres 9 d'octubre a les 20.00 h. L'agenda per aquesta trobada és la...
Èxit de la I Trobada de Professionals Catalans a Munic
Més de 70 assistents provinents de diferents branques professionals participen en aquesta edició. El dimarts 19 de juny va tenir lloc la primera Catalan Professional Network a la ciutat de Munic, un esdeveniment organitzat per la Comissió Internacional (CEW) de l’Associació/Col·legi d’Enginyers Industrials de Catalunya i el Casal Català de Munic. L’objectiu era establir una xarxa de...
Vehicles homologation: technical regulation or economic tool?
Broadly speaking, the stages by which a manufacturer goes through in order to be able to commercialize a vehicle are: strategic planning, conceptual vehicle design, vehicle pre-development, engineering, production planning, construction of the first prototypes, prototype validation (internal tests as per the manufacturer’s internal requirements), construction of pre-series vehicles, homologation...
Work and live - Belgium
Aquest document pretén servir de guia, ajuda o orientació per aquelles persones que es plantegin tenir una experiència professional a Bèlgica. Es tracten algunes de les particularitats o peculiaritats pròpies d’aquest país com el sistema de vacances, possibles tipus de contractes laborals, aspectes a tenir en compte al canviar de feina, llogar un pis... Esperem que sigui d’utilitat per aquelles...
Improving Rural Electrification in Suriname
For decades, a high-voltage transmission line has passed through the Amerindian village of Powakka, located in the district of Para in Suriname, without benefiting the community. The 161kV transmission line transports to Paramaribo the electricity generated by the Afobaka Hydropower Plant, historically the country’s main source of electricity. However, the village never had a 24-hour formal...
What does China2025 mean to you?
When China overtook Japan as the world’s second largest economy in 2011, labour shortages and rising wages were starting to emerge as serious concerns – many foreign and domestic manufacturers, still shaken by the 2008 financial crisis, started to suffer from the increasing costs of their Made in China production operations. Some enterprises chose to relocate to new, emerging Asian countries...
Is Industry 4.0 the 4th Industrial Revolution?
The etymology of the word manufacturing comes from the latin manu + factura and literally means “a working made by hand”, a human hand. As language evolves with the events of history and changes in the society, the meaning of manufacturing is getting reshaped by the new technologies that influence our way of “make a work”. The first industrial revolution started in Britain around the 1760s,...
Chinese bridges
Possessing an effective communications system was without doubt one of the main concerns of all Chinese emperors. The first Chinese empire was based on a well-organized army and tight control of the population. However, the measures taken as the basis of the empire included the unification and standardization of the systems of writing, coinage, weights and measures, and the length of cart axles...
International Taxation 3.0
The international tax scenario has undergone radical changes in recent years. Countless news items and examples point to the fact that most countries are fed up of continuously losing revenues to tax havens. The old practices for international tax advice used until recently, amounting to what we might term 'international tax evasion', have become completely obsolete. Setting up a company in a...
Barcelona, guest city at the Hong Kong Business of Design Week
Barcelona will be the first guest city at the forthcoming Hong Kong Business of Design Week on the first week of December. The project is promoted by the City Council of Barcelona and coordinated by the Institut Ramon LLull, with the strategic involvement of BCD Barcelona Design Centre, FAD Fostering Arts and Design and the Catalonia Trade & Investment from the Catalan Government. From 2006...