Event for Catalan professionals living in Germany

Last 7th June the workshop “Catalonia & Stuttgart – business professional networking” took place in Stuttgart, an event dedicated to Catalan professionals working and living in Germany.

The event was organized by ACCIÓ – Trade and Investment with the strong support of Stuttcat, the catalan cultural association of Stuttgart. Martí Adroher, director of ACCIÓ in Germany, and Elisenda Bujons, president of Stuttcat, welcomed the participants and showed the general facts and figures and the who is who of both organizations.

After this, the members of ACCIÓ presented their three main departments (trade, invest and innovation) and gave some examples of current business projects.

In the last presentation, Martí Pascual introduced the new Catalan Engineers Worldwide network (cew) to the public.

Among the participants, about 50 people coming from Stuttgart and region, there was a wide representation of the branches and professions in which catalans are working in Germany:

Marketing, human resources, education, natural sciences, arts and engineering. The largest group of professionals were engineers, followed by graduates in economic sciences.

In the second part of the workshop, the participants worked in small groups and discussed the essential questions:

  1. what can I or my company do to collaborate with Catalan companies?
  2. what do I or my company need from Catalan companies / Acció?
  3. how do we establish this collaboration and keep in touch?

At the end and after a short cut for a snack, every group presented their answers to the three general questions. Most of the groups remarked, networking and communication are very important for their personal and professional improvement and they would be very interested in getting some newsletter with information about new projects of ACCIÓ and further job opportunities in Catalan companies abroad. Some measures for this will be developed in the next months and presented in the next workshop.